
Repligen Corporation is a life sciences tools and technology company that develops and markets highly innovative bioprocessing solutions and systems. Our products enable efficiencies in the process of manufacturing a wide range of biological drugs, including: monoclonal antibodies; recombinant proteins; cell and gene therapies; and vaccines. We are inspiring advances in bioprocessing for the customers … Continued


EMD Millipore + Sigma-Aldrich = MilliporeSigma The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany In late 2015, EMD Millipore joined forces with Sigma-Aldrich. Our combined organization, which operates as MilliporeSigma in the United States and Canada, is the life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany – and a global leader in the $125 … Continued


An innovation driven chemical company responding to customer needs with world class science and technology. Business activities span a broad spectrum of markets as following: Chemicals : Caustic Soda, Native and Modified PVC… Functional Plastics : Silyl-terminated Polyethers, Resin for Molding… Expandable Products : Polyethylene, Polypropylene & Polystyrene Foams… Foodstuffs Products : Bakery Yeast, Whipping … Continued

BIA Separations

BIA Separations is the leading developer and manufacturer of CIM® (Convective Interaction Media) monolithic chromatographic columns for production, purification, and analytics of large biomolecules. Our highly skilled team has more than two decades of accumulated knowledge in downstream processing and HPLC analytics. BIA Separations innovations include: CIM® Monolith columns developed to resolve stubborn difficulties encountered … Continued

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