Associated Experts
Job Title: Head of R&D
Job Title: Client Project Manager
Job Title: Chief Technology Officer
Job Title: head of Electron microscopy services
Job Title: Value, quality and speed
Job Title: Senior Scientist in Electron Microscopy
Job Title: R&D
Job Title: TitleSenior scientist Electron microscopy
Associated Content
Designing a Viral Clearance Study – A Step by Step Tutorial
In the following tutorial, Vironova Biosafety describes how to design a viral clearance study, including what virus removal or inactivation steps should be present and what virus panel should be used in the testing. Also covered is the importance of keeping the process parameters true when down scaling and how to calculate the robustness of the virus clearance steps....Continued
Rapid Characterization of Virus Like Particles Informs Vaccine and Gene Therapy Downstream Processes
The MiniTEM image analysis software was able to obtain a relative quantification of the number of VLP particles with the expected size that carry HA spikes on their surface. A quantification of small particles, debris, and baculovirus-like particles present in the sample is also provided.....Continued
Direct vs. Indirect Methods for Characterization and Analysis of Subvisible Particles – A Comparative Study
Although the DLS and NTA technologies have the benefit of simple sample preparation, the ease of use of the MiniTEM system and the clarity of information on particle size together with visual proof makes the MiniTEM analysis a better choice for this particular analysis....Continued
Automated Adenovirus Purity Analysis Speeds Viral-based Gene Therapy Process Development
Abstract: MiniTEM™ is a low-voltage transmission electron microscope system designed for nanoparticle characterization. The high-quality images it acquires reveal particle morphologies that can be transformed into accurate metrics. A metric for sample purity based on ... Continued